In line with the Sustainable Development Goals of United States, Eurosets has consequently made significant efforts in opting for eco-friendly solutions, from the purchase of certified renewable electicity to using plastic free packaging whenever possible.
In 2019,
thanks to the actions implemented by and focus on sustainability, Eurosets saved
332 tonnes of CO2 emitted.
In 2021,
even more attention was focused on environmental impact. The last report on sustainability certifies that the company has saved over 629 tonnes of CO2 during 2021,
the equivalent of 581 traditional combustion-engine cars emission in one year.
In two years only,
Eurosets’ commitment has doubled.
How is it possible?
The trigeneration plant installed in 2019 allows us to produces thermal energy that, when properly transferred, can partly provide heating for the factory and partly power a heat-exchanger to produce cold water and provide the 76% of energy needed.
Starting from 2019 the new cardboard eco-packaging is mainly made of already recycled material and 100% recyclable. Thanks to this new eco-solution, we trasform the 46% of PTS packaging from plastic tray to cardboard tray!
The photovoltaic system for electricity production from renewable sources provide to Eurosets the 5% of energy. Thanks to innovative solutions in terms of energy production, we reach an 80% of energy autonomy.