Marco Corbelli - Eurosets

Marco Corbelli

HW & SW Project Manager
Marco Corbelli, HW & SW Project Manager, has been with Eurosets for 7 years.

Cosa ti ha impressionato di Eurosets e cosa diresti a qualcuno che non conosce l’azienda?

Regardless of their job, role or seniority, all people at Eurosets feel involved and motivated in improving every small operational and functional brick. I have never found in any company such a strong sense of belonging.

Dal momento che sei in azienda, qual è il progetto su cui hai lavorato che rappresenta meglio lo spirito dell'azienda?

ECMOLIFE and Colibrì are two projects that I have in my heart, I think they represent the true soul of Eurosets. The problems were as many as their high technological content. Thanks to a team that has never lost heart, to the continuous listening of health professionals and patients, we were able to realize these two extremely complex devices in times unimaginable.

What does our motto ‘Patient Comes First’ represent for you?

We all have a purpose. I think helping people is the noblest of all. Knowing how to improve people’s lives gives you the strength to face any challenge and difficulty.