62nd International Conference

Sheraton New Orleans Hotel – March 20-24

Eurosets commitment: Introducing new solutions for better patient outcomes


12:00 pm – 12:05 pm

Carlo Alberto Tassi – Clinical & Global Therapy Development Manager

12:05 pm – 12:20 pm

Impact of oxygenators design on pressure drop, shear stress and

Flavio Cavallari – CCP, Cardiopulmonary Perfusion Manager, Millwaukee, Wisconsin

12:20 pm – 12:45 pm

Clinical Evaluation of Micro-Embolic Activity with Unexpected
Predisposing Factors and Performance of Horizon AF PLUS
during Cardiopulmonary Bypass

Dott. Ignazio Condello – MS, PhD, Chief Perusionist, Bari, Itlay

12:45 pm – 1:00 pm

ECMOLIFE and Colibri ECLS solutions: 3 years italian clinical experience
Prof. Mirko Belliato – MD, PhD, Intensivist Director Anesthesia and Cardiothoracic ICU, Pavia, Italy